Tuesday, 26 February 2013

4 Ways To Avoid A Vitamin B12 Deficiency (on a (high) raw food diet)

Article from TheRawFoodFamily.Com.

Read the article from its website ...

Vitamin B12 is crucial for our health.  Yet there are many concerns about our ability to be able to absorb this vitamin.

It is normally created by mirco-organisms in our colon, but as most of us do not have a fully intact digestive system due to bad eating habits and other reasons, it can be difficult to absorb this vitamin, even if you consume enough.  Stress can also cause an increasing disability of absorbing Vitamin B12 on top of that.

The symptoms of a Vitamin B12 deficiency are hard to understand as such.  They include lack of energy, being tired, coughing, runny nose…  It´s not always the first thought that these symptoms could be caused by a lack of Vitamin B12.  This makes it all difficult from the beginning.
The only way out is working towards healing the flora inside the colon, and consuming Vitamin B12 on a constant basis.

Here comes another myth-buster:
People say: “You must eat meat and animal products to get your Vitamin B12″.  Actually this is not true.  Meat does not have Vitamin B12, it simply contains micro-organisms that produce this important vitamin.  These micro-organism can be found on almost all green on earth.  It is much superior to the meat, as you consume it in a raw and fully alive way, so it can produce more B12.

So the first and most natural way of getting your Vitamin B12 into your sytstem, is the wild edibles and herbs.
You have to consume a lot of greens to get your Vitamin B12 this way, and you shouldn´t be very low on B12 as well.
You have to juice, and you have to juice wild edibles - Spinach and kale alone will not do this trick for you!

If you are in doubt:
Check your blood levels, and just take a supplement.
Here are the other 3 ways we recommend:
2. Vegan sub-lingual supplements (pills disolved under the tounge, or sprays), means that the Vitamin B12 right in your mouth and not the (possibly damaged) colon
3. Patches you make on your skin, to have a consistant absorbation of B12 through the skin. and Vitamin B12 sprays we recommend, as you will absorb the
4. Injections. This is the method you should choose, if your levels are real low! The most effective way to get your Vitamin B12 storage filled up again

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